Osteopathy was developed in America in 1874 by Andrew Taylor Still M.D. Since then osteopathy has become an established and recognised system of diagnosis and treatment.
The main focus of osteopathy is the structural reliability of the body, it recognises that much of the pain and disability we suffer stems from the break down in part of the body which affects how it functions. This breakdown could be structural such as a joint, muscle or ligament strain or damage caused to it by disease which may affect how other parts of the body function.
The main philosophic principles of osteopathy are:
- The body is a unit
- Structure and function are reciprocally inter-related
- The body possesses self-regulatory mechanisms
In simpler terms, the body acts as a unit and if something goes wrong in one area it may cause a problem elsewhere, and although generally the body it is very good at healing itself though built-in mechanisms, it occasionally needs a helping hand, Osteopaths provide this helping hand along with advice to help avoid the problem re-occuring.
Although osteopathy is largely a hands-on method of treatment, Jason often includes the use of Acupuncture, Electro-acupuncture, TENS and Ultrasound during certain treatments.